Papilionidae (Latreille, 1802)
Swallowtails are big butterflies of which is in Croatia known only 7 species. One group's base color is yellow with tails on the hind wings while the second group's base color is white with red markings shaped like an eye.
Number of species: 7
[Number of photos: 100]
Pieridae (Swainson, 1820)
Whites have white or yellow rounded wings with black spots. In Croatia you can find 21 species.
Number of species: 22
[Number of photos: 261]
Lycaenidae (Leach, 1815)
Gossamer-winged butterflies are small butterflies mostly blue, brown or red on the upper side wings while on the underside have characteristic patterns. It's a large family represented in Croatia with 55 species.
Number of species: 55
[Number of photos: 631]
Riodinidae (Grote, 1895)
Metalmarks are close relatives of Gossamer-winged butterflies and were actually quite long considered as subfamily of Gossamer-winged butterflies. Most species live in tropical America, while in Europe (including Croatia) there is only a single species.
Number of species: 1
[Number of photos: 18]
Nymphalidae (Rafinesque, 1815)
Brush-footed butterflies are very different in shape and color. If you exclude browns which are presented separately, in Croatia you can find 45 species of brush-footed butterflies.
Number of species: 45
[Number of photos: 733]
Satyrinae (Boisduval, 1833)
Subfamily of browns belongs to the family of brush-footed butterflies. They are presented here separately because they were considered a distinct family and because of the large number of species. There was 43 species recorded in Croatia. Characteristics of browns are rounded wings of various shades of brown and markings shaped like an eye.
Number of species: 43
[Number of photos: 614]
Hesperiidae (Latreille, 1809)
Skippers look like moths, but they fly by day. They are small butterflies with thick body whose basic color of wings is black or brown. There are 24 species present in Croatia.
Number of species: 24
[Number of photos: 247]