Protected butterfly species in Croatia
According to the Nature Protection Act of 2013 (NN 80/13), i.e. the Rulebook on Strictly Protected Species (NN 144/13), 26 species of butterflies are strictly protected in Croatia. For some of these species, only certain subspecies are protected.
Eastern Festoon
Allancastria cerisyi (Godart, 1824)Only the subspecies Dalmatian Eastern Festoon (Allancastria cerisyi dalmacijae (Sala & Bollino, 1994)) has been recorded in Croatia, but it has not been found for a long time.[Number of photos: 0] -
Southern Swallowtail
Papilio alexanor (Esper, 1799)It has not been recorded recently, except for one observation on Biokovo from 2011.[Number of photos: 0] -
Fenton’s Wood White
Leptidea morsei (Fenton, 1881)The territory of Europe, and therefore Croatia, is inhabited only by the subspecies Leptidea morsei major (Grund, 1905).[Number of photos: 1] -
Alcon Blue
Phengaris alcon (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)The subspecies Mountain Alcon Blue (Phengaris alcon rebeli (Hirscke, 1904)) is also present.[Number of photos: 7] -
Silky Ringlet
Erebia gorge (Hübner, 1804)Only the endemic subspecies Velebit's Silky Ringlet (Erebia gorge vagana (Lorković, 1954)) is endangered and strictly protected.[Number of photos: 0] -
Styrian Ringlet
Erebia stirius (Godart, 1824)In addition to the basic species, there are two endemic subspecies - Gorana's Styrian Ringlet (Erebia stirius gorana (Lorković, 1985)) and Klek's Styrian Ringlet (Erebia stirius kleki (Lorković, 1955)). Both subspecies are endangered and strictly protected.[Number of photos: 0] -
Bright Eyed Ringlet
Erebia oeme (Hübner, 1804)Only the endemic subspecies Bright large-eyed Ringlet (Erebia oeme megaspodia (Mladinov & Lorković, 1979)) is critically endangered and strictly protected.[Number of photos: 22] -
Dalmatian Ringlet
Proterebia afra (Fabricius, 1787)Only the subspecies Dalmatian Ringlet (Proterebia afra dalmata (Godart, 1824)) has been recorded.[Number of photos: 2]